forsaken scourge
motorcycle club
"To fear death is a choice, and they can't hang us all"
The Forsaken (Men On The run)
by 20Pack
I would like to start with the fact that i'm just getting back into the "GTA V (MC)" scene. It's been a while, about a year and a few months since I was a full patch. I have had a lot of "life" happen in the time I was gone and, a lot has changed. Things change and some times it for
the better. (03/28/2021)
Hi, i'm Twenty and I am a old Patch holder for "Forsaken Scourge MC". This "book" is based on my life with "THE CLUB" and, the experience I have had with the men I call my brothers.
(Keep in mind this is before the time of "hangarounds" in the "GTA V MC" scene.)
The date is Jan,21 2017 and I had just started my journey with "FSMC" as a Prospect. I was very lucky to start when I did. There was a great group of guys who I would soon call my brothers and, trust my thoughts to. I would go on to be apart of major historical events that would shape the way "THE CLUB" is now and, how "THE CLUB" operates.
This Short Book is told through the eyes of myself [TWENTY] and may be missing part of "FSMC" history I myself was not there for.
Part of the history of "FSMC" has been removed from this book for other reasons.
Chapter 1 [PROSPECT]
My first day as a prospect, I'm not going to lie i was extremely nervous. I couldn't wait to make a name for myself and impress patch holders. I would ride for hours at a time and, bother the hell outta anyone who was around, asking "Whens the next ride" Or "Whats next and what can I do to learn more." I'm pretty sure most of the guys at the time thought i was annoying as hell.
I had true love and pure loyalty for "THE CLUB" and all the patch holders in it. I tried my hardest every day to learn and grow as much as I could. But I would mess up pretty often. But I used those mistakes as a lesson and, a learning experience to grow from.
"The greatest mistake a man can ever make, is to be afraid of making one" -Elbert Hubbard
I was eager to prove myself and, through the next few weeks I would have many chances. There was a war brewing between "FSMC" & "RMMC"[Red Menace MC]. I just so happen to be around when the first shot was fired and, just like that it was all out war. Bodys were always dropping and it seemed as if we were always fighting. I was able to form friendships with these men that I fought alongside in this never ending war. The time we spent on fighting probably took up most of my prospecting peirod and, most of my free time. We had some good times during the war and I wish I could go back. Just so maybe I could re-live it again.
Before I knew it my time was up and, I was up for vote. If I remember correctly the vote was unanimous. But I think that was because they saw a prospect who really wanted this and was willing to go the miles to get it. Or maybe I'm just full of myself but, I really did want it. The sense of brotherhood and belonging.
Chapter 2 [The Growing War]
when I earned my patches their was little time to celebrate because, the war we knew was about to change for the worse. Their was a new player joining this war. A friend of "RMMC" known as "SJMC"[Sinister Jokers MC]. "SJMC" would come to be one of the notorious enemies of "FSMC" and one of the biggest thorns in are sides.
Feb,12 2017 A battle between "FSMC", "RMMC" and, "SJMC" had been going on for about two and a half hours. We were heavily outnumbered, it was twelve on six. It seemed as if the fighting would never stop. People were everywhere running back and forth trying are hardest not to lose any ground. It was as if the army of the damned was fighting us because they just kept coming, But we held are own. We fought for four hours straight and, we had just gotten reinforcements. The fight was now eight on twelve and, thats all it took for us to start pushing back. Oh and we pushed back hard. "RMMC" & "SJMC" bodys were dropping left and right. They started to pull back and tried to re-group but, we weren't going to let them.
We had pushed them so far back they started coming from the south side of Vespucci beach. Their backs were to the water with nowhere to run. Their numbers began to drop fast and, as they started to realize that they couldn't win this battle. The few who remained started to fight in a very un-1% way but, they would soon come to the fact that no matter how hard they fought or how much they bent the rules of engagement. They weren't going to win the fight. So those few who stayed high tailed there asses outta there.
The day was won but, my brothers were very tired. This fight had drained so much from us. The whole battle that day was five and a half hours long and, this would not be the last time we had a long standing fight with "SJMC". See eventually "RMMC" saw they would never win. So they just kinda stuck to the sidelines and would only join the fight if we were heavily outnumbered. But in still they never could get the upper hand on us.
"SJMC" Never did get the point, they would just throw themselevs into the battales. They weren't very good at fighting so, they would resort to non-1% ways. which would be they're down fall in the end of it all but, the war raged on.
This war would go on to be about four months long but, some how we always seemed to push them back. Even if we were out numbered. They were untrained and didn't have the brotherhood we had. It seemed as if their only goal in life at the time was to fight us because, every time we turned around there they where. Over time and countless battle between "FSMC" and "SJMC" they began to realize the very thing that "RMMC" did. They couldn't win this war.
So they began to fade just as "RMMC" before them. Their would still be fights but, not to altitude of the ones before. In time the fights stop all togther. And so began the time of peace and prosperity for The Forsaken.
Chapter 3 [New beginnings]
The next few weeks would be calm and quiet. Without trouble at all. I took this time to get to know the men I now share a patch with, these men I would soon come to call my brothers my familia.
We began make plans to expand apon "THE CLUB". Talk of new chapters began to rise but, it would take some time to get there. We need more members, people we could trust to do right by "THE CLUB" and it members. It's never easy to tell if some one is a true soul and are willing to do what it takes to become a patch holder.
So we started holding more events and party to bring in people and, meet new clubs from around LS. We formed friendships with other club and people we could count on to help us in times of need.
It's never easy to start trusting people, it takes time. People must prove that they are loyal and, worthy of are trust.
"la confianza se gana, nunca se da"
"trust is earned, never given"
As with all things their was a few bumbs but it all ran smoothly. I would soon become the secretary for "FSMC". My responsibilities would consist of making sure events wheir planed and ready to go and, inviting guest. It was at most times difficult but, I tried hard to fill my role as secretary. I was pleased with the way "THE CLUB" was going and are plans for the future.
I had begun to call these men my brothers. Their names have been removed from this book to keep their lives private but, they know who they are and the love I have for them.
I would soon leave "FSMC" around the end of 2017 do to life gitting in the way as it does at time and, my spot as secretary would be filled by a brother who was more than capable of getting the job done.
I would be gone for about three months and, a lot would have changed. I was right a lot had change. Brothers left and moved on to different things. Rules changed and it was very tense for a while. Egos would get in the way and, brothers turned on one another. Things that tear a club apart and shatter relationships. I won't lie I wasn't happy with the state of "THE CLUB" when I came back in 2018 but, I still had love for "THE CLUB" and my brothers. I was willing to help us get back on the right track to growth and prosperity but, I had to earn my way back in.
You see when you leave a club you don't just leave your patches. You leave trust, trust that you were going to be there through thick and thin. I knew a lot of the guys had no problem with me coming back but, their was a few who had lost respect for me. So I would have to prove myself again and, I was ready to make things right and help us grow once again. So I put that Prospect Patch back on and got to work.
I would patch back in around early February close to "THE CLUB'S" anniversary.
Time would pass and I would become The prospect manager for "FSMC". (This is by far my favorite time period)
I greatly enjoyed shapeing are new prospects and teaching them about "THE CLUB" and, what will be expected of them through their prospect period. I trained some badass prospects that would come to be a very big part of "FSMC" history.
We would soon add a hangaround faze to the club. This would help weed out the week and, people who were not fit to wear are patch. I am still grateful to this day that pass the vote as it has help the club.
Chapter 4 [The Fall Of Brotherhood]
(late 2018) Sadly thing only got worst. Egos where still a big problem, mine included. It seemed like we were just trying to keep everyone from turning on one another.
As time went on it calmed but, there were still beefs between patch holders. So we voted on a Sandy shoes chapter, to hopefully help with the tension between the americans and the UK guys. I'm not sure how it started but, some how "THE CLUB" got divided. It was no longer "FSMC" it was FS from sandy and FS from Paleto. I feel as if it only made it worse, making the new chapter. But I had voted yes to the idea so I did the best I could but, I could stop the wave of anger that was about to come out from within the chapters.
To be honest I always heard about this kind of stuff happening to a club but, I never thought it would get this bad. It was nolonger about "THE CLUB" for most patches at the time, it was about who had the biggest dick. This went on for some time.
And it seemed like over night half of the club was gone. And so was the birth of "WSMC" White Snakes MC. One of the most heart-breaking thing to come out of the fighting within but, It showed the true colors of everyone in and out of "THE CLUB".
"WSMC" began attacking "FSMC" almost immediately and, It was nasty. "WSMC" claimed they were "1%" but, they never followed the rules of engagement between clubs. They would find us while we were alone, usually six on one and would jump them without warning. They were more of a street gang than a club.
The War would be very similar to the war with "RMMC" & "SJMC" but, this time it was brother against brother. We tried so hard to stop the war before it start but, it got out of hand so fast. For "WSMC" they were shoot first and ask questions later. So began one of the worst wars in "FSMC" history.
The war was shorter than most but, it was very messy.
To be honest with you reader I will not discuss the matters durning this war because it was hard for me to go through. I felt betrayed and so did a lot of my brothers.
The war ended the same way the war with the others did. They lost the will to fight. (end of the war was early 2019)
After every thing was said and done I left "THE CLUB" once more do to my life matters again. Everyone understood because we all were getting busy with are life affairs. I was still around just not in patches. I would attend events for "FSMC" and, I would still talk to all the guys. I was gone for alomst two years.
Chapter 5 [The Return]
(2021) I am now back with "THE CLUB" and, i'm currently in my hangaround stage. "THE CLUB" is doing far better then when I was last around. Their are far more members now and we have a new chapter call "ROUTE 68". The Brotherhood here is alive and thriving. I am Happy to be back where i'm supposed to be.
"FSMC" means a lot to me & my brothers.
End Log
There are parts of my story I left out. But we don't ask questions around here.
"To fear death is a choice, and they can't hang us all"