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forsaken Scourge Lifers 

This page is dedicated to Club members who have been in FSMC for  1+ years.

Skin (Skin Hanson)

Skin Is the Founder of FS and made the club more than 6 years ago. He has had many accomplishments with the club and he is currently President of our Nomad chapter. 

"I founded Forsaken Scourge because I wanted a real 1% brotherhood. Too many clubs claimed to be 1% but there was always an "unless" after it. That didn't fly with me and still doesn't. you either are, or your aren't, a 1%er. A Club for likeminded people to find a home, not just some hollow words but a real tight knit group of mens men to be able to really belong somewhere, we're not for everyone, some people prefer the soft touch but the Scourge is, always has been and always will be, Iron."


DJ has been in the club for the last 5 years. After becoming a full patch he was promoted to Secretary a short while after that he was President of the mother chapter. He has now stepped down from it all but is still part of FSMC. 

Burrball (Mothers Finest)

Burrball has been in the club for 5 years and is also stepped away from day-to-day club business. Burrball was VP of the mother chapter before stepping down. 

JackyyBoyy (Steel Jaw)

Jackyyboy has been in the club for over 3 years. He was VP of our West Los chapter and later moved on to become VP of our Mother chapter. He opened up a chapter on Route 68 before having to go nomad. He is now the current SAA of our Nomad chapter.

"I've been here a very long time, watched brothers come and go, I've seen mutinies happen time and time again. What I've seen the most though is how strong this club is, and how we keep bouncing back! I've always been the peacekeeper within FS but I've also been a leader, and I've led us to victories, I've hurt other clubs. I'm home."

JaykeTheSnakeee (ArabianSnake)

Jaykethesnakeee was patched in over 2 years ago, he was promoted to Secretary, soon after he opened our West Los chapter. After a few months he became the Prez of our mother chapter, he stepped down after a long-standing and is now VP of our Nomad chapter. 

Sumoctive (Zohan)

Sumoctive has been around for over 2 years, sumo is highly respected and currently Road Captain. His longest positions were Tailgunner and Road Cpt.    

TREVOR225OG (Black Hole)

Trevor has been in the club for over 3 years. He was Road Cpt and Prospect manager. After a long time in the club, he had to come away from it all. 

FSMC Wolf (WarBear)

FSMC Wolf joined over 2 years ago and he has held countless positions in the club and had his own chapter in the past.

"I joined forsaken Scourge after being away a while and never fitting in anywhere, I was made instantly welcome by people in the club. I was at the time looking for a true 1% club and noticed how strict FSMC is on it, it instantly caught my eye. I've never met a more bunch of genuine lads." 

KingTy (Afro King)

KingTY has been in the club for over 2 years. He was SAA of our West loss chapter, shortly after he went Nomad and since then has dropped all responsibilities and day-to-day club business. 

FSMC Hoodoo(Chevy)

FSMC Hoodoo has been in the club for over a year. he has been prospect Manager and SAA. He helped open up a new chapter of FS before having to go nomad.

FSMC Pagan (Irn Bru)

FSMC Pagan has been in the club for over a year, he is the current President of our mother chapter. He has been in several officer positions and his hard work has paid off.

xKong95 (Pebble)

xKong has been in the club for over a year, while holding no positions he has shown his dedication to the club with a timezone against him. He is a highly valued member of the club.

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